About this workshop

Workshop co-located with the 2020 iConference in Borås, Sweden

Due to the current situation we came to the conclusion that we need to cancel our workshop: The Challenges of Teaching Data Science in iSchools. We were really looking forward to this event and the exchange of ideas. However, we will make all invited talks available here. Feel free to contact us if you want to share your own teaching material or if you have any comments or questions. We are planning on submitting our workshop proposal again next year and hope to see you all at the 2021 iConference. 

While previous efforts have mainly focused on the identification of relevant topics as well as the development of shared data science curricula, the purpose of this workshop is to exchange experiences with and the challenges of teaching data science subjects at iSchools. The event not only asks the question of what but also how are we / will we teach data science subjects? How can we prepare and support students from different backgrounds with the necessary interdisciplinary skills? 

Through a combination of invited experience talks and an interactive fishbowl session we aim at collecting shared challenges as well as best-practice examples. That way, the workshop could build on existing efforts and complement a repository and forum for teachers at iSchools in similar situations.

This workshop is co-located with the 2020 iConference in Borås, Sweden.